Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Use of NOCOPY with Oracle Function and Procedures.

• NOCOPY will instruct Oracle to pass the argument as fast as possible. This can significantly enhance performance when passing a large value.

• Ussually IN paramter is pass by value and OUT/IN OUT are pass by refererence....

If one wants to send the IN paramter too as pass by reference he could add NOCOPY

advantage is always less memory usage

disadvantage is when there is a change happened to the Reffered value and a rollback occurs in the procedure the change of value would be retained.... it could not be rolled back....

so I beleive that it is always safe to work without the NOCOPY parameter.....

1 comment:

  1. If this parameter is having such a disadvantage then whats is the use of it. But thanks for instructing the pros and cons of this parameter. I will keep in mind and will try to work without this NOCOPY parameter.
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